' An example of this is when the user is installing
' the main product to drive D:, but the Windows
' directory is on drive c:
' -----------------------------------------
If winDrive$ = destDrive$ Then
If destSpaceFree < totalNeeded Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + destDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(totalNeeded - destSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$
GoTo ErrorSetup
End If
If winSpaceFree < WINSYSNEEDED Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + winDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(WINSYSNEEDED - winSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$
GoTo ErrorSetup
End If
If destSpaceFree < OTHERNEEDED Then
MsgBox "There is not enough disk space on drive " + destDrive$ + ": An estimated" + Str$(OTHERNEEDED - destSpaceFree) + " additional bytes are needed.", 16, dialogCaption$